Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Recycle Your Christmas Tree

christma tree 2Christmas is over, the egg nog has gone, the relatives have departed... and you're left packing up the lights and ornaments and wondering what to do with the Christmas tree.

Here are some tips on what to do with your live tree as the holidays draw to a close:

  • Removing the tree: The best way to avoid a mess removing your tree is to place a plastic tree bag underneath the stand when you set the tree up! You can hide it with a tree skirt. Then, when the holidays are done, pull the bag up around the tree, stand and all, and carry it outside. You will want to remove the stand before recycling the tree. If some needles do scatter inside, it is better to sweep them up; as needles can clog vacuum cleaners.
  • Soil erosion barriers: You can use Christmas trees to make effective sand and soil erosion barriers.
  • Fish feeders: Sunk into private fish ponds trees make excellent refuge and feeding area for fish.
  • Bird feeders: Place the Christmas tree in the garden or backyard and use it as a bird feeder and sanctuary. Fresh orange slices or strung popcorn will attract the birds and they can sit in the branches for shelter. Eventually (within a year) the branches will become brittle and you can break the tree apart by hand.
  • Mulch: A Christmas tree is biodegradable; its branches may be removed, chipped, and used as mulch in the garden.
  • Living, rooted trees: Of course, next year, you could get a rooted (ball and burlapped or containerized) tree and then plant it in your yard after Christmas.
  • Important: Never burn your Christmas tree in a fireplace or wood stove. Pines, firs and other evergreens have a high content of flammable turpentine oils. Burning the tree may contribute to creosote buildup and risk a chimney fire.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas Cactus

christmas cactusChristmas is just around the corner, so are these colorful Christmas plants.

Schlumbergera is the correct botanical name for... Christmas Cactus. It is possibly the second most popular houseplant for the holiday season. They have been kept as a holiday houseplant since the 1800’s.

Christmas Cactus are normally available in bud or bloom from late October thru December. They can be found in a variety of tabletop container sizes as well as hanging baskets.

Christmas Cactus are best grown in a peat based potting media. A potting soil that has more peat moss in it than any thing else. Christmas Cactus will do best in bright indirect light. Long term direct sunshine can stunt the plants growth and burn the leaves. If you put your plant outdoors for the summer... be sure to place it in a shady location. Christmas Cactus are quite tolerant to temperature. They will survive in temps as low as 35 degrees and as high as 100 degrees. Normal house temperatures of 65 to 80 degrees are perfect. Christmas Cactus are not a true cactus, which rarely need watered. They fit closer to the category of a houseplant. When the soil is dry to the touch... its time to water. They don't require much in the way of fertilizing. Feeding your plant 2 to 4 times per year is sufficient. Use any high quality feed that reads 20-20-20 on the label. If you have lived with your Christmas Cactus for a few seasons you know when the plant usually buds… stop feeding a month before buds appear. If not, stop feeding by the end of October.

It is best to prune your Christmas Cactus after it has finished flowering. Pinch your plant back 1 or 2 leaves. Either cut at the joint with scissors, a sharp knife, or pinch with your thumbnail and index finger. Pruning helps the plant to branch out which should increase your bud count the following season. It also helps to promote new root growth. You can transplant what you have trimmed off to give to someone special next Christmas.

Christmas Cactus are what they call thermo-photoperiodic. This means bud set is triggered by a combination of day length and temperature. When day length is approximately equal to darkness... the plant knows its time to grow buds. The secondary trigger that most  miss is temperature. Chilling the plant at 50 to 60 degrees for a week or two should cause the plant to start setting buds.

Now you know the secrets of Christmas Cactus. A properly cared for plant can live for 20 years or more... flowering year after year. And can be passed down for generations.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

National Candy Corn Day

October 30th is National Candy Corn Day!

candycornCandy Corn was created in the 1880s by the Wunderlee Candy Company and, by 1900, was being produced by the Goelitz Candy Company (now Jelly Belly), which has continuously produced it for more than a century. Candy corns get their name from the fact that they are shaped like a kernel of corn. Although they are often shown point-up, the yellow end is really the "top" of the corn. The design apparently made it popular with farmers when it first came out, but it was the fact that it had three colors - a really innovative idea - that catapulted it to popularity.

Originally, candy corn was made of sugar, corn syrup, fondant and marshmallow, among other things, and the hot mixture was poured into cornstarch molds, where it set up. This original mixture is probably where the name of the candy corn comes from. The recipe changed slightly over time and there are probably a few variations in recipes between candy companies, but the use of a mixture of sugar, corn syrup, gelatin and vanilla (as well as honey, in some brands) is the standard.

A serving of candy corn has about 22 pieces and contains 140 calories, no fat.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

“Forever Plaid”

TUAC to present “Forever Plaid” – One Performance Only!!!

Forever Plaid” is coming to the R E Lee Auditorium on October 13 for one performance only! The show will begin at 7:00 and tickets, adults $8 and children $6, may be purchased from Thomaston Upson Arts Council or at the door.

“Forever Plaid”, directed by Anita Fillingim, is one of the most popular and successful musicals in recent memory. This deliciously goofy revue centers on four eager male singers killed in a car crash in the 1960's on the way to their first big concert, and now miraculously revived for the posthumous chance to fulfill their dreams and perform the show that never was.

‘Plaid’ is 90 percent music but there’s a lot of character on display from Jinx (Bill Woodall), Francis (Larry Mitcham), Sparky (John Cox) and Smudge (Phil Leverett). Singing in the closest of harmony and executing their choreography with over-zealous precision, the show is a program of beloved songs and delightful patter that keeps audiences amused when they're not humming along to some of the great nostalgic pop hits of the 1950's.

Dr. Keith Huckaby, drums, will join Anita Fillingim, pianist to provide the accompaniment to many of the favorite hits of the 1950’s singing groups such as The Four Aces, The Four Freshman and the Four Lads. “Three Coins in a Fountain”, “Sixteen Tons”, “Love is a Many Splendored Thing”, “Crazy Bout Ya Baby” and many more familiar tunes will bring back fond memories of that era.

Corporate Sponsor for this event: QUAD GRAPHICS.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Julie’s Garden Tips: October

pansy borderIf you want your poinsettia to turn color by Christmas, now’s the time to begin giving it 14 hours of darkness and 10 hours of bright light each day.

The pansy planting season begins now! Plant “six-pack” pansies eight inches apart, larger plants can be spaced ten inches apart.

Cut brown flower stems of purple coneflower, black-eyed Susan, daylily and hosta back to ground level.

Move patio plants into shade for two weeks before bringing them inside. This will help prevent leaf drop.

Apply a weed preventer to beds of already-planted cool-season flowers to prevent weed seeds from sprouting.

Finish dividing daylily clumps, iris rhizomes and peony roots. Plant them into a well-dug bed immediately.

Plant spring flowering bulbs, like tulip, daffodil and hyacinth. Old, crowded beds can be loosened and the bulbs divided and replanted now.

chrysanthiumRemove faded rose blooms. Clip wayward stems back so the plant has a compact form.

As chrysanthemum and aster flowers fade, cut the plants back to six inches tall.

Root cuttings of geranium, impatiens, begonia and other “outside” plants to bring indoors for the winter.

Friday, September 23, 2011

The Autumnal Equinox

The coming of fall is bittersweet for some but for others, it's the best time of the year! In some parts of North America, the landscape turns vibrant shades of orange and red and there is a freshness in the air that is unrivaled by any other season. In the South, the heavy heat of summer lessens and there is a welcoming coolness.

The word equinox comes from the Latin words for "equal night." The fall and spring equinoxes are the only days of the year in which the hours of day and night are equal as the Sun crosses the celestial equator. The Earth's axis isn't tilted at all, and with no tilt, the North and South Poles are virtually straight up and down. 

From here on out, the temperatures begin to drop and the days start to get shorter.

Signs of Fall
fall leavesThe landscape silently explodes with vibrant colors of red, yellow, and orange. The leaves begin to drop off the trees, providing endless hours of jumping into leaf piles for kids and raking them back up for parents! Baseball season hits the homestretch, while football season is just warming up. Temperatures begin to drop, and nights begin to get longer, and animals are storing up for the long haul of winter.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Educational Seminar

My GA DAWGS are Barking: Common Causes and Treatments of Foot Pain
with Bruce Reid, MD (Orthopedics).

Bruce Reid, MD is a Board Certified Orthopaedic Surgeon. He will discuss common causes, treatment, and prevention of foot pain including the value of arch supports, stretching and how to select proper footwear. 

Drawing for a FREE FOOT MASSAGE!

Tuesday, September 27th at 3:00 pm. 

This session is FREE and open to members and guests.

To register click HERE

URMC Wellness Center
801 W Gordon St

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Boss Hog BBQ

Boss Hog BBQ and City Fest Car Show will take place Saturday, September 24th from
10 am to 3 pm at the Greatest Generation Memorial Park.

Contact the City of Thomaston for more information, 706-647-4242.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Westwood Lending Hands Serve-a-Thon and Clay Shoot

Westwood students will be completing service projects on campus and around Thomaston the week of September 19. The school will host its first-ever clay shoot on Friday, September 23 at the Big Red Oak Plantation in Gay, GA.

Corporate sponsors donating $250 or more may participate in the clay shoot. Ammunition and lunch will be provided as well as door prizes.

Contact Derek Pardue at 770-845-8965 if you are interested in being a corporate sponsor for any amount.

If you are interested in being a shooter, contact Brent Daniel at 706-975-6150 or Greg Boyt at 706-765-8488.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Business After Hours Tailgate

The Sertoma Women of Upson will host the September 20, Business After Hours from 5 pm to 6:30 pm at the Thomaston-Upson Arts Council. The theme this year is Tailgate.

There will be a 50/50 drawing, a $400 cash pot drawing and the Sertoma Women have football tickets to raffle off. You can't win if your name is not in!

Call us today and let us know if you will be attending!

It will be a great time to network with your business peers, win prizes and of course BRAG about your favorite team! Dress is Casual, but wear your Favorite Team Colors!

Call the Chamber to register, 706-647-9686.

Friday, September 16, 2011


The 2011-2012 Seasonal Flu Vaccine has arrived at Walgreens. It is not too early to get vaccinated, so get your Flu Vaccine today. Walk-ins are welcome and most health plans cover the vaccine. Walgreens has over 26,000 certified immunizing pharmacists who provide an array of immunizations in the pharmacy all day, every day.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

ULHS is hosting the High 5 Sports Game of the Week!

Congratulations, and thanks for the votes!!! You are all awesome! Now, let's have some FUN!!! Check out the activities that will be going on at Matthews Field Friday night:

5:15 p.m. Fox 5 will have a camera crew at Matthews Field, so we are asking fans to come early and be on T.V.!!! They will be shooting video of the band, cheerleaders, and fans, and they may even interview you on camera!

5:30 p.m. Fans will line the streets of Triune Mill Road for the KNIGHT WALK. Bring posters, signs, noise makers, etc. and wear your PURPLE (or black and silver) as the Knights players and coaches make the walk to the stadium. We will cheer them on to victory as the Fox 5 video crew tapes the Knight Walk. This should be so much fun. Knight Walk starts at 5:45, but please be there by 5:30, so we can line the street with "Purple People". 

Also starting at 5:30 p.m. Fox 5 will set up a Pep Team Tent. They will be giving away prizes and Fox 5 items. You can also SPIN THE WHEEL to win prizes from Fox 5.

Pregame (probably starting around 6:15-6:30: Fox 5 will have their T-shirt shooter on the field and will be shooting t-shirts into the crowd.

6:50 p.m. Fox 5 will be video taping on the field, and we want our stands full of Knights fans! Advance tickets are available at ULHS for $5 for adults and $3 for students. All tickets are $7 at the gate.

10:30 p.m. Fox 5 will be live on T.V. from Matthews Field -- hopefully talking about the Knights WIN over Starrs Mill! Fan can stay for this live broadcast.

This is such a great opportunity for our high school, our school system, and our community. Let's show everyone in the Fox 5 viewing area that Thomaston and Upson County have SPIRIT! The excitement begins at 5:15 Friday night! Be there!!!!!

Also, we are asking our community to put signs supporting the Knights in front of their businesses or purple ribbons on their mailboxes -- anything you can do to show school spirit and school pride. Thank you Thomaston and Upson County!!! GOOOOOOO KNIGHTS!!!!!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

September…Full Moon

CSC_0159September is the month of the Full Corn Moon. This full Moon corresponds with the time of harvesting corn. It is also called the Barley Moon, because it is the time to harvest and thresh the ripened barley. The Harvest Moon is the full Moon nearest the autumnal equinox, which can occur in September or October and is bright enough to allow finishing all the harvest chores. At this time, crops such as corn, pumpkins, squash, and wild rice are ready for gathering.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

It’s Saturday Down South

When it comes to sports, you won't find a more rowdy and fun group than football fans. And why not? We live in the south and everyone's got their allegiances.

tailgatingBut the best part is……Tailgating!

You don't need to know a snap from a lateral, the difference between a running back and a tight end, or what a PAT is. All you need to do is show up in the parking lot with a side dish or a six-pack and get ready for some grilling and good times.

But what about Healthy Tailgating?

Rather than sitting around snacking and drinking, play a tailgating game instead. It’s rather difficult to overeat if you are throwing around the football or playing corn hole. By preoccupying yourself with a diversion like tailgating games, you will not be eating and not blowing your goal of healthy tailgating.

Always drink plenty of water before you start eating and you will eat less. Another great way to stay healthy while tailgating is to volunteer to be the designated driver for after the game. By being the DD you have an excuse for not drinking and can choose a diet drink or water instead of beer and cocktails. If tailgating is just not the same without a beer, a light beer is a better choice than a regular one.

Now, what about food?

thomasHave BBQ skinless chicken and choose a smokey mesquite sauce with less sugar. Lean sirloin for grilled burgers and low fat or turkey hot dogs with wheat buns (hold the mayo).

Snacks and appetizers can load on the calories. Stick with baked chips and salsa. And have lots of chopped crunchy veggies. Celery, carrots, broccoli, cherry tomatoes, cauliflower and mushrooms are easy and nutritious and a low fat dressing can be used for a dip.

The real key to a healthy tailgate party is self-control. You won’t feel heavy and bloated from over indulgence.

Now get your game face on and get ready for some football!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Healthy Habits for Life

Are you exercising without concern for food intake or watching your food intake without concern for how much exercise you do?  It would be great if we could accomplish our weight management goal by working on just one behavior but it isn’t that simple. 

If you have only changed your exercise level and are having trouble reaching your weight goal you should consider attending this program presented by URMC dietitians Joy Daniel and Dawn McCoy. 

This six week program begins on Monday September 12th and will provide you with the tools needed to better balance eating and exercise behaviors. 

For more information or to pre-register call Joy Daniel, RD at 706 647-8111 x1682

Cost: $20.

For information contact:

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

labor day 2On Sept. 5, 1882, about 20,000 working people marched in New York City to demand an eight-hour workday and other labor law reforms. In a parade up Broadway, sponsored by New York’s Central Labor Union, they carried banners reading, “Labor Creates All Wealth” and “Eight Hours for Work, Eight Hours for Rest, Eight Hours for Recreation.” About a quarter million New Yorkers turned out to watch.

After the first Labor Day in New York City, celebrations began to spread to other states as workers fought to win workplace rights and better working conditions and wages at a time when they had little power. In 1893, New York City workers took an unpaid day off and marched around Union Square in support of a national Labor Day.

The following year, 12,000 federal troops were called into Pullman, Illinois, to break up a huge strike against the Pullman railway company and two workers were shot and killed by U.S. deputy marshals. In what most historians call an election year attempt to appease workers after the federal crackdown on the Pullman strike, shortly after the strike was broken, President Grover Cleveland signed legislation making the first Monday in September Labor Day and a federal holiday. Cleveland lost the election.

The U.S. Department of Labor describes Labor Day this way: “It is a creation of the labor movement and is dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity and well-being of our country.”

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Touchdown for the Arts

Get Ready for the Annual TUAC Solstice

"Touchdown for the Arts"

Would you like tickets to a Georgia football game or to see the Atlanta Falcons? Want to spend 3 nights at St. Simons or a weekend getaway at a Beautiful Cabin on the Flint? How about a Murder Mystery Dinner for eight?

All you have to do is be the high bidder for these or any of several other items which will be auctioned at the 21st Annual Thomaston-Upson Arts Council (TUAC) Solstice.

This years theme is "Touchdown for the Arts" and will take place on Saturday, September 17, at Phoenix Rising (located at The Old Rock School - next to Bickley's Lake). Come dressed in your favorite team attire! The Kick Off will be at 6:00 pm with the opening of the silent auction, followed by the Tailgating Buffet at 6:45 pm and a live auction at 7:30 pm.

"This is our only fundraiser of the year," said Carmen Ellerbee, executive director of TUAC. "It accounts for about 12 percent of our funding and is very important to us," she said.

The money raised goes toward TUAC's community performances and Childrens' Arts Programs.

“We will have many items in the auction," Ellerbee said, "including some that will go from $10 and up. There will be something for everyone."

In addition to the items already mentioned above, auctioneer Kenny Coggins will be seeking bids on a variety of planters, season tickets to the Macon Symphony, Teeth Whitening, artworks by several well-known local artists, dinner at Oscars Steak and Seafood restaurant, Day Spa services, gift certificates from several local businesses, a flat screen TV, health club use, UGA Birdhouse, tickets to Dollywood, Junior Golf Clubs, 1 hour massage, free car wash for a year and much, much more!

This event is FREE to TUAC members but non-members are welcome to attend. Cost for non-members is $15 individuals and $25 couples (the entrance fee will go toward your yearly membership into TUAC). Reservations must be made by Wednesday, September 14th by calling 706-647-1605 or by visiting the TUAC gallery at 118 South Church Street (next to the Ritz Theatre).

Mrs. Ellerbee and the TUAC Board wishes to thank all the businesses and individuals for their generous donations to this years Solstice.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Yummy Pasta Salad

chef 2
1-1/2 boxes of tri-colored pasta
  cooked per directions
A red, yellow and green small bell pepper
Green onions
1/2 jar artichokes, diced
1/2 jar Kalamato sliced olives
A good helping of Parmesan cheese
3/4 jar Kraft Zesty Italian
1/4 jar Kraft Lemon poppy seed dressing

Mix everything together and enjoy!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Julie’s Garden Tips: September

imagesCA2RU3GQFertilize salvia and chrysanthemums with liquid plant food. They will reward you with lots of blooms later this fall.

Examine your flower beds for tired out perennials like Shasta daisy, black-eyed Susan and purple coneflower. You can cut off dead flowers and brown foliage to neaten the plants for fall.

Preserve excess basil leaves by pureeing in a blender with a little water. Freeze the slush in an ice tray and use the cubes in your wintertime spaghetti sauce.

Lightly trim back the tropical hibiscus you kept outdoors for the summer. Make plans for where you’ll place it indoors in bright light.

Divide daylily, iris and monkey grass while you still have several weeks of warm weather to encourage root growth.

It’s a great time to plant peony roots. A good, old-time favorite is ‘Festiva Maxima’. For real excitement, plant a tree peony and get huge blooms next May.

Spring-flowering bulbs are for sale now. You can buy them – but don’t put them in the ground until soil temperatures are in the 60′s or cooler in October.

Get ready to plant cool season vegetable seedlings. Broccoli, collards and cabbage plants should be available at garden centers.

Examine patio plants for insects if you intend to bring them indoors. Treat with insecticide if necessary.

Cooler weather means it’s time to plant shrubs and trees. Make sure to dig a hole three times as wide as the root ball.

Propagate limber-limbed hydrangea, grape and forsythia plants by placing a thin branch on the ground and partially covering it with soil and a brick.

Replace all of the mulch under roses, red tip photinia and crabapples. You’ll prevent diseases on next year’s leaves.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Do-It-Yourself Weather Predictions

Long before meteorologists had sophisticated technology to help them predict the weather, people made forecasts based on their observations of the sky, animals, and nature. Many of the traditional sayings they used, called proverbs, are accurate. Try out some old-fashioned forecasting—that still works today!

The higher the clouds, the finer the weather.
If you spot high altitude wispy, thin clouds, expect a spell of pleasant weather.
Keep an eye, however, on the smaller puff clouds (cumulus), especially if it's in the morning or early afternoon. If the rounded tops of these clouds, which have flat bases, grow higher than the one cloud's width, then there's a chance of a thunderstorm forming.

Clear Moon, frost soon.
When the night sky is clear, Earth's surface cools rapidly—there is no cloud cover to keep the heat in. If the night is clear enough to see the Moon and the temperature drops enough, frost will form. Expect a chilly morning!

When clouds appear like towers, the Earth is refreshed by frequent showers.
When you spy large, white clouds that look like cauliflower or castles in the sky, there is probably lots of dynamic weather going on inside. Innocent clouds look like billowy cotton, not towers. If the clouds start to swell and take on a gray tint, they're probably turn into thunderstorms. Watch out!

Rainbow in the morning gives you fair warning.
A rainbow in the morning indicates that a shower is west of us and we will probably get it.

Ring around the moon? Rain real soon.
A ring around the moon usually indicates an advancing warm front, which means precipitation. Under those conditions, high, thin clouds get lower and thicker as they pass over the moon. Ice crystals are reflected by the moon's light, causing a halo to appear.

Rain foretold, long last. Short notice, soon will pass.
If you find yourself toting an umbrella around for days "just in case," rain will stick around for several hours when it finally comes. The gray overcast dominating the horizon means a large area is affected. Conversely, if you get caught in a surprise shower, it's likely to be short-lived.

Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky in morning, sailors take warning.
A reddish sunset means that the air is dusty and dry. Since weather in North American latitudes usually moves from west to east, a red sky at sunset means dry weather—good for sailing—is moving east. Conversely, a reddish sunrise means that dry air from the west has already passed over us on their way easy, clearing the way for a storm to move in.

The next time you are outside look up at the sky and see if these proverbs work for you!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Broccoli Salad

broccoliTired of the same old spinach salad? Here's a delicious alternative made with good-for-you broccoli. It incorporates the same flavors as the standard spinach salad, but it can be made up to a day in advance and won't wilt on the buffet table.

Yield: 6 to 8 servings

  • 4 cups broccoli florets (blanched)
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs, thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup (or more) thinly sliced onion
  • 10 slices bacon, fried crisp and crumbled
  • 1 cup mayonnaise
  • 1/4 cup white sugar
  • 3 tablespoons vinegar

For this recipe, use blanched broccoli. (After cooking in boiling water for 30 seconds, remove from water and plunge it into ice water to stop the cooking. Drain well.)

In a large bowl, combine the broccoli, eggs, onion, and bacon. In a small bowl, mix together the mayonnaise, sugar, and vinegar, whisking until the sugar is dissolved. Pour over the broccoli and mix gently. Refrigerate for 6 hours or overnight before serving. Just before serving, toss lightly.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Growing Knock Out® Roses

DblKnockOut_megaThe original Knock Out® Rose was introduced in 2000 by The Conard-Pyle Co./Star® Roses. Created by Wisconsin rose breeder William Radler to reduce the rose gardener's to do list with a plant that was cold hardy, disease resistant and incredibly floriferous. Knock Out® is cold tolerant to zone 5, heat tolerant throughout the U.S., reliably resistant to disease and produces a bevy of blooms every 5 to 6 weeks from spring until the first hard frost.

The natural inclination of The Knock Out® Family of Roses is to grow to about 3' wide x 4' tall, but they are easily maintained at a smaller size through pruning. They are ideal for growing in mixed borders, in containers or as a hedge.
Just like other roses, The Knock Out® Family of Roses perform best when planted in full sun. The soil should be well drained and fertile.

Plant the roses 4 feet apart to allow for room to grow and good air circulation.

DblPinkKnockOut_megaTo keep the flowers coming feed your roses with a fertilizer blended especially for roses. This should be done after each bloom cycle. There is no need to remove faded flowers because these roses are self cleaning.

Prune in late winter or early spring, while the plant is still dormant. Remove any dead or damaged wood, do a little shaping if necessary, and take out some of the interior stems to improve air circulation. Every 2 or 3 years remove about one third of the old branches to stimulate new, fresh growth. If you are trying to keep the roses at a certain height, you can cut them back hard with hedge shears. No need to worry about usual rose pruning rule of cutting back to an outward facing leaf bud – just lop them down to the desired size.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Brown Thrasher

BrownThrasher-2In 1928, the school children of Georgia selected the brown thrasher (Toxostoma rufum) as the state bird. According to Nature Magazine (April, 1932),

"The Campaign was inaugurated by the Fifth District of the State Federation of Women's Clubs and was sponsored by the Atlanta Bird Club and kindred groups."

Proposals were made to the Legislature and bills to adopt the brown thrasher as the state bird were introduced, but no action was taken.

On April 6, 1935, the brown thrasher was declared the state bird of Georgia by proclamation of Governor Eugene Talmadge.

Thirty-five years later, at the urging of the Garden Clubs of Georgia, the Georgia General Assembly passed Joint Resolution No. 128, that designated the brown thrasher the official Georgia State Bird.

Brown Thrashers have the largest repertoire of songs of all the North American birds and are able to vocalize 3000 distinct songs. Some brown thrashers are very good mimics and even sing songs of other species of birds as part of their own songs.

Both sexes help in the care and feeding of the chicks. Brown thrashers are omnivorous and usually feed on insects and other invertebrates (worms and snails) but also feed on small vertebrates like lizards and frogs as well as berries, wild fruits, and nuts. It finds its food through foraging and uses its beak to help it in the process by moving aside obstacles found on the ground like small stones, leaves, and twigs.

They are an aggressive defender of their nest, and have been known to strike people and dogs hard enough to draw blood. It is also a very shy bird so that the chance of people actually spotting the bird is smaller than that of hearing the bird sing. BrownThrasher-1

The brown thrasher was the inspiration for the name of Atlanta's National Hockey League team, the Atlanta Thrashers, now moved to Winnipeg.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Youth Leadership Upson

Any Sophomore, Junior or Senior student that is interested in applying for the 2011-2012 Youth Leadership Upson Program, may pick up an application packet in the ULHS Counselors Office or at the Thomaston-Upson Chamber of Commerce.

Applicants must be a resident of Upson County. Applications and recommendation forms are due back to the Chamber of Commerce Office by Wednesday, August 31 by 3:00 pm.

The Chamber of Commerce office hours are: Monday – Thursday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Saturday and Sunday Closed. If you have questions, please call the Chamber office.

Thomaston-Upson Chamber of Commerce
110 West Main Street

Monday, August 22, 2011

Sizzling Summer Cookout & School Supply Roundup

Join The Wellness Center of URMC for a cookout on August 25th from 5 to 7 pm. Enjoy food, games, line dancing and more!

Bring school supplies donation for FREE admission. These supplies will be donated to Upson County Schools to help children who cannot afford them.

Back to School savings of 50% off of enrollment (ends August 31) are being offered. And check out the special savings for school employees.

cowboyFor more information contact:
URMC Wellness Center
801 W Gordon St

Commodities Distribution Day

Commodities will be distributed Wednesday, August 24th at the Thomaston-Upson Civic Center.

Seniors needing assistance can contact the Senior Center.

Thomaston-Upson Senior Center                           Thomaston-Upson Civic Center
302 South Bethel Street                                     101 Civic Center Drive
Thomaston, GA 30286                                        Thomaston, GA 30286
(706) 647-1607                                                          (706) 647-9691

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Chamber Chat

Chamber of Commerce Government Roundtable Meeting, will meet Monday, August 22 at noon and will be hosted by The Upson Beacon and Chili's of Thomaston. The meeting will take place at the Thomaston-Upson Chamber of Commerce office.

New Board member orientations to take place at the Chamber office, August 23rd and 24th times are 8:30 am, 10 am or 2 pm.

The Chamber is pleased to announce a ribbon cutting ceremony for the new location of Middle Georgia Carpets. Middle Georgia Carpets is now located at 519 North Center Street. Owners Jeff and Alicia Neighbors would like to invite Chamber members and the community to attend on Friday, August 26 at 11:30 am. Refreshments will be served so please let the Chamber know if you plan to attend. Call the Chamber for more information.

Thomaston-Upson Chamber of Commerce
110 West Main Street

Senior Center Activities

butterfly pansiesThomaston-Upson Senior Center is open Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. The center has an exercise room, billiards and free lending library. Most club activities begin at 10 am.

Reflection’s Day Program is an Alzheimer’s daycare available from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm weekdays.

Lunch is available at 11:30 am for $1.25, the menu varies daily.

Fit & Fun classes are 8:15 am-advanced, 9:15 am-intermediate and 10:15 am-beginners.
Breathe & Stretch is Wednesdays at 10 am.
Women’s Pilates are Mondays and Wednesdays at 4 pm.

In addition to all the other activities for this week you can enjoy Quilting on Monday
at 1 pm. Bridge on Tuesday thru Thursday and Bingo on Thursday.

Alzheimer's Support Group Meeting will be held Thursday, August 25th at 6:30 pm.

A special on Identity Theft will be held on Friday, August 26th.

Thomaston-Upson Senior Center
302 South Bethel Street
Thomaston, GA

Find Your Way Without A Compass

Long ago, people could find their way in the outdoors without a compass, at night or during the day, using natural directional signs. Here are some pointers for the next time you are camping, hiking, or just outdoors. Don't get lost!

Use the Big Dipper
The most accurate and reliable direction finder is right over your head. It's Polaris, the North Star. Polaris is over the North Pole, so if you find it in the night sky, you'll know where north is.

Here's how to find the North Star:

  • Find the Big Dipper.
  • Then, find the two stars at the outer edge of the Dipper's bowl. These are pointer stars. They "point" to the North Star.
  • Extend an imaginary line from the pointer stars across the sky to the next bright star.
  • Stretch your arm out full length and spread your fingers, and the North Star should be about as far away as your thumb is from your middle finger.

Use Two Sticks in a Field
On a cloudless night, drive a stick into the ground until the tip of it is at your eye level. Behind it, plant a taller stick such that the tips of the sticks line up on a bright star, as you look at them. After a few minutes, the star will appear to have moved (but remember: stars don't move; it's Earth that's rotating). If the star seems to move . . .

  • up, you are facing east.
  • down, you are facing west.
  • right, you are facing south.
  • left, you are facing north.

Use a Wristwatch
To find your direction during the day, place an analog wristwatch (one with hands) on a level surface.

  • Hold a toothpick again the edge of the watch, so that it casts a shadow on the watch.
  • Turn the watch until the shadow falls over the hour hand. Imagine a line that runs through the center of the watch to a spot that is halfway between the hour hand and the 12 on the dial. That line runs north-south.
  • To get your bearings, remember that the Sun rises in the East.

Observe Nature
During the day, look for these directional signs:

  • Deciduous trees tend to grow on the south side of hills; evergreens grow on the north side.
  • In the desert, the giant barrel cactus always leans toward the south.
  • The Sun lies due south at noon every day.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Cherry Limeade Ice-Cream Pie

Yield: 8 servings

  • cherry lime6 cups vanilla ice cream, softened
  • 1 6-ounce can frozen limeade, thawed
  • 3 to 4 tablespoons juice of maraschino cherries
  • 1 9-inch graham cracker piecrust
  • Garnish: whipped cream, lime slices, maraschino cherries, and mint sprigs

Combine ice cream, limeade, and cherry juice in a large mixing bowl. Beat at low speed with an electric mixer until blended. Spoon into crust, then freeze 8 hours, or until firm. Top each serving with a dollop of whipped cream, a lime slice, a maraschino cherry, and a mint sprig.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Julie’s Garden Spot: Drought Tolerant Plants

As our climate here in Georgia becomes more hot and dry, it is important to make wise choices when considering plants for the garden. Necessary watering restrictions imposed cause many of our newly planted garden plants to die. If you don't want to be faced with those same results, consider plants that actually enjoy hot, dry growing conditions. Add plants to your garden that originate in the desert southwestern US. Plants from that region are accustomed to hot, dry climates with poor soil and most will adapt well to our climate here. Southwestern native plants need well-drained soil, though, and for the most part, Georgia soil is heavy clay. Some soil improvements will be necessary to help those plants survive here. I know you're thinking ...I'm about to suggest you install a cactus garden, but I'm not. Most of the time when we think of the gardens of the southwest, we think only of cactus and yucca, but there's more out there than that. Here's a few garden worthy plants that deserve consideration for Georgia gardens. Some of these recommendations are actually native to the Southeast!

Delosperma cooperi closeupDelosperma comes in several varieties with different foliage and bloom color. Delosperma cooperi has rather large purple flowers resembling asters on a ground-hugging succulent plant. Delosperma nubigenum has sunny yellow flowers resembling daisies on a very low-growing succulent with jelly-bean shaped leaves that turn red with the onset of cold weather.

Gaillardia mineGaillardia, often referred to as Blanket Flower or Indian Blanket, has blooms all summer long that, as the nickname implies, have all the colors of an Indian Blanket. The blooms are quite large and bright, visible from a distance, making this plant ideal for roadside gardens. Some even have ruffly or double petals!

Rudbeckia (Black eyed Susan) and Echinacea (Coneflower) are probably already in your garden, but seek out some of the new colors which are unusually beautiful.

Pink Muhly GrassOrnamental grasses will provide movement in the garden as well as foliage contrast. The blooms which are usually in the form of a plume or seed head offer additional beauty at the end of the season and also food for some of our native birds!

Bulbs tend to be more drought tolerant, so if a native plant forms a bulb, you can usually count on it surviving a drought and returning when more favorable conditions return.

Amsonia is a native perennial that really looks like a grass. In early summer blue flowers are lovely, but this plant is most beautiful in fall when the foliage turns the brightest of gold.

Bignonia best photoVines are needed in every garden for that vertical interest, and the very drought tolerant Cross Vine, Bignonia capreolata. Not to be confused with the also beautiful Trumpet Vine which can be invasive if not controlled, the Cross Vine is much easier to manage. And instead of just plain orange blooms, Bignonia has blooms that resemble a flame--yellow, orange, and pinkish red all on the same flower. Shaped like a trumpet, the blooms are a favorite of the hummingbirds here.

Buckeye RedThen there is a favorite native tree, the Red Buckeye. Unlike other buckeyes, the Red Buckeye, Aesculus pavia, grows well in dry soil. The huge red bloom panicles appear in very early spring even before the leaves, and provide food for the hummingbirds just as they are returning from their winter vacation.

These plants tolerate our winters as well as our hot, humid summers, as long as the soil is well-drained. So as you plan for new additions to your garden, remember there'll be a drought and plant some of our beautiful native American plants that are even more accustomed to the heat than we are!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pet Shop

Jesse2Meet Jessie. He is a gorgeous ten month old solid white cat. Jessie has already been neutered and is up to date on all of his shots. His human mother had to move to Florida and could not take him with her. What a magnificent boy! His veterinarian records are available at The Thomaston Animal Hospital. 

JesseAdopting a pet is simple. Have a picture ID, be at Least 18 years old, choose a pet, answer a series of questions and sign the spay/neuter contract. All animals adopted by outside residents of Upson County will be neutered or spayed by a veterinarian in Upson County before they leave.

Jesse3Upson County Animal Shelter
2371 Yatesville Hwy
Thomaston, GA 30286
Phone: 706-646-4526

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

3rd Wednesday Wake-Up Call

August 3rd Weds Wake Up
The Thomaston-Upson Chamber of Commerce held its first 3rd Wednesday Wake-Up meeting on August 17 at the Chamber office. Those present for the meeting were Lisa Ellington, Bank of Upson; Mike Reeves, 5 Star Tire & Auto; Lucy Chaney, The Thomaston Times; Wynn Trice, Edward Jones Investments; Bob Fletcher, Pasley-Fletcher Funeral Home; Pam Little, Workforce Development; Neal Trice, Upson EMC; Robin Aylor, Georgia Independent School Association; Hoppy Hopkins, Upson Regional Medical Center; Rebecca Calcattera, The Thomaston Times; Laurie Holmes, Colony Bank and Jennifer Greathouse, Robinson State Farm Insurance. Not pictured, Mitch Ellerbee, Thomaston-Upson County Airport.

Sponsors for the August 3rd Weds Wake-Up were The Wellness Center of Upson Regional Medical Center and Kenneth Hatchett.

Each month the Chamber will invite members to attend the 3rd Weds Wake-Up meeting to learn about upcoming events, Chamber committees and membership benefits.

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 21 and the following businesses will be invited to attend: PetSense, The Alexander Resource Group, Bill Roberts Electrical,, Extreme Gymnastics & Cheer, Trennis Dumas State Farm Insurance, Gardner Veterinary Services, XGS Computer Repair, Middle Georgia Carpets, Sweet Georgia Tea Room Antiques and Ladies Consignment, KOTA Bows Boutique Gifts and Angela Clark Insurance.

Tomato, Corn and Avocado Salsa

  • salsa1 (11 ounce) can whole kernel corn, drained
  • 1 (4 ounce) can sliced black olives, drained
  • 1 1/2 cups diced roma tomatoes
  • 3/4 cup diced red onion
  • 1 red bell pepper, seeded and diced
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons minced jalapeno pepper
  • 1 avocado - peeled, pitted and diced
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon salt

Mix together corn, olives, tomatoes, onion, red pepper, and jalapeno pepper in a large bowl. Gently fold in diced avocado, olive oil, lime juice, and salt.

This salsa is quick and easy to make. It's colorful and most important, it's delicious! Serve with tortilla chips…colored ones are fun!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Chamber Chat

WEDA (Workforce Education Development Alliance) will hold their meeting, Tuesday, August 16th, 8 am at the Chamber office.

Third Wednesday Wake-Up Call - The Chamber will hold a face-to-face with its members to inform them of what the Chamber has to offer. 3rd Wednesday Wake Up Call will invite different Chamber members each month to the Chamber office to meet with other members, Chamber Ambassadors and Board Members. 3rd Wednesday Wake-Up Power Hour at the Chamber office will meet on August 17, from 7:30 am to 8:30 am. They will provide coffee, juice and donuts to those invited and will have a short agenda where there will be introductions, discuss upcoming events taking place through the Chamber and then discuss membership benefits to the group.

The Manufacturers Roundtable Meeting will be held on August 18, at 7:30 am. The roundtable will be hosted by Southern Crescent Technical College. The meeting will take place at Building E on the SCTC Main Campus. Please email if you plan to attend.

Thomastonians Against Multiple Sclerosis

Support groups don't have to be boring!!

luauTAMS (Thomastonians Against Multiple Sclerosis) is having a LUAU for their August meeting on Thursday, August 18, 12:30 pm at American Pie Pizzeria located at 710 N Church Street (706) 646-0004.

Hoping to see all members and new members there!

For more info you can call Sherry at 472-327-3706  Aloha!!

Fairy Cross

staurolite-fairy-stonesThe staurolite crystal is a natural phenomenon found in the earth at only a few places in the world. It is a rare, mysterious and mystical mineral; shaped by Nature into unique forms, each an individual work of art.

Many studies on the staurolite have been conducted in years past, by both professional and non-professional groups. Since a widely circulated paper was published in the early 1950s by University of Georgia professor Vernon J. Hurst, there has been an avid interest by geologists and rock hounds in these fascinating crystals.

Estimated to be 60-500 million years old, there is much controversy on the origin of the staurolite. Some say they formed from a meteorite that broke apart while entering the Earth’s atmosphere. The pieces, by gravitational force were then deposited in small pockets in different areas of the world. Another theory is that the crystals came from several miles within the Earth; and through thousands of years shifted their way closer to the Earth’s surface. A popular Christian religious theory is that at the time of the crucifixion of Christ the angels shed many tears that crystallized and fell to the Earth as staurolites. Another legend states that staurolites are the tears of the Fairies shed when Jesus died, thus the name “Fairy Cross”.

Regardless of the origin, people of many nationalities and races have used staurolite crystals, or “faith crosses” as good luck charms for thousands of years. Religions and legends have prompted strong belief in the magical little rocks.

In recent years the staurolite has become a highly prized and collectible mineral of the Appalachian region. In 1976 it was designated as the State of Georgia’s official mineral. With growth and development of the few areas where staurolites can be found, they are now becoming a very rare commodity. Precious few staurolites exist in perfect twinned dimensional form. The most highly prized of these are in the shape of a 90-degree cross. These are found in an approximate ratio of 1 in 10,000. The staurolite “twins” in an infinite number of other crossed shapes and is also found in single 6-sided crystal form. All forms are important to those who honor the staurolite.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Pet Shop

KittyMeet this lovely calico with a wonderful personality. She has already been spayed and de-clawed! She will make a perfect indoor kitty and won't mess up the furniture with her claws. She even gets along with dogs.

Adopting a pet is simple. Have a picture ID, be at Least 18 years old, choose a pet, answer a series of questions and sign the spay/neuter contract. All animals adopted by outside residents of Upson County will be neutered or spayed by a veterinarian in Upson County before they leave.

Upson County Animal Shelter
2371 Yatesville Hwy
Thomaston, GA 30286
Phone: 706-646-4526

There are many to choose from, large or small, let’s save them all!

Senior Center Activities

blood pressureThomaston Hospice will be offering Blood Pressure Screening, Thursday at 10:00 am.

Friday join in on the Birthday Shop & Lunch Trip. The group will be going to Roses’ and  The Sock Shoppe then to Ryans’ for lunch.
Cost is $4.00.

Thomaston-Upson Senior Center is open Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. The center has an exercise room, billiards and free lending library. Most club activities begin at 10 am.

Reflection’s Day Program is an Alzheimer’s daycare available from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm weekdays.

Lunch is available at 11:30 am for $1.25, the menu varies daily.

Fit & Fun classes are 8:15 am-advanced, 9:15 am-intermediate and 10:15 am-beginners.
Breathe & Stretch is Wednesdays at 10 am.
Women’s Pilates are Mondays and Wednesdays at 4 pm.

In addition to all the other activities for this week you can enjoy Quilting on Monday
at 1 pm. Bridge on Tuesday thru Thursday and Bingo on Thursday.

Thomaston-Upson Senior Center
302 South Bethel Street
Thomaston, GA

Active Moms Club

tea partyThe Wellness Center of URMC would like to invite active moms (and Grandmoms) to join them on Wednesday, August 17th at 11 am for a “Mommy and Me Tea Party.” Dress up for fun!

This new club was created for moms (and Grandmoms) with children between the ages of 3 months to 12 years looking for workout buddies, friendships, and opportunities to do some mommy and me activities. FREE for members; $10 for non-members. 

Please RSVP at the front desk. 706-647-4466

The Active Moms Club meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays from 11 am till noon in the Group Exercise Room.

URMC Wellness Center
801 W Gordon St

WCG Songwriters

West Central Georgia Songwriters will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, August 16th, 7:00 pm at the Civic Center in Thomaston. All types of music are welcome and the meeting is free. For more info contact the group at

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Sorbet: A Healthy Summer Treat

sorbetWhen the weather gets hot, ice cream can be a refreshing treat, but why not make the most of the fresh flavors of summer with tangy, delicious, and nutritious fruit sorbet. So many wonderful varieties of fruit and berries are in season during the summer, and blending them into a frozen dessert is an easy way to preserve and enjoy them. Sorbet is a frozen dessert made from frozen sugar water and fresh fruit. It is naturally fat free and includes all of the benefits of eating fruit, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

The basic recipe for sorbet is as follows: One part sugar, two parts water, four parts fruit. Many recipes also include a small amount of lemon or lime juice to add a bit of extra flavor.

First, make a simple syrup by combining the sugar and water in a small saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil, stirring constantly until the sugar melts. Allow it to cool and set it aside.

Next, unless you are using berries, cut the fruit into small cubes, place it in a blender or food processor along with the simple syrup and lemon or lime juice to taste (about 1/8 of a cup for every cup of fruit), and purée until smooth.

If you have an ice cream maker, spoon the mixture into it and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. If you do not have an ice cream maker, place the mixture in a tall sealing container and freeze it for about 90 minutes. Remove it and stir the sorbet with a whisk. Return it to the freezer and stir once every hour for about four hours. This will incorporate air into the mixture, making it light and creamy.

The types of flavors you can enjoy in sorbet are limited only by your imagination. You can try blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, mangoes, peaches, cherries, and more. Don’t feel limited to a single flavor. As long as the ratio of fruit to simple syrup is correct, you can add as many different kinds of fruit into the mix as you like!

Friday, August 12, 2011

August…Full Moon

CSC_0159August is the month of the Full Sturgeon Moon.

Some Native American tribes knew that the sturgeon of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain were most readily caught during this full Moon. Others called it the Green Corn Moon or the Grain Moon.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Young Entrepreneur

Hightower Ribbon Cutting 010The Thomaston-Upson Chamber of Commerce welcomed its newest and youngest member ever at a ribbon cutting held at his home today.

14 year old Thomas Hightower has transformed his knowledge and enjoyment of computers into an aspiring business venture. XGS Computer Repair is a home-based business specializing in computer repair, virus elimination and web design.

Thomas is the son of John and Juliette Hightower.

If you are having computer problems give Thomas a call!

XGS Computer Repair
300 Poplar Drive

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Armstrong School of Dance

Sara Armstrong School of Dance 016Sarah Armstrong and the Thomaston-Upson Chamber of Commerce will hold a ribbon cutting for her new location on East Main Street Friday morning at
10 am.

While Sarah Armstrong and her school of dance is not new to Thomaston her new location is. A summer long work project has transformed what most may remember as the Otasco building into a dance studio that when you walk in makes you feel like you have entered a loft in Manhattan.

“It is the number one goal of Armstrong School of Dance to provide the finest dance education in an atmosphere that encourages growth, development of skills, and self-confidence. In addition, I want to inspire your child to dream big. Today is for dreaming – Tomorrow is for making dreams come true.”
Sarah Armstrong, Owner/Director

Armstrong School of Dance held an open house this week allowing future and present dancers to take a first look at the new studio. From all of the smiles and excited faces no one was disappointed, and the kids are ready to begin classes for this year that will have them preparing for the two recitals that Armstrong holds each year, to standing room only crowds.

Sara Armstrong School of Dance 018

Armstrong School of Dance
203 East Main St
Thomaston, GA 30286
(706) 647-2725
Email: saraharmstrong@


Boobie Ball 2011 will be held at The Ridge/Hickory Ridge Golf Course this year,
August 13th, 4 pm until midnight.

A $10 donation gets you in! A great band line up with Due South, Conner Christain,
Ben Ratliff Band and Loose Change, also HR's Classic Party Tunes will be there.There will be fun and classic Boobie Ball t-shirts for sale. Gather your team for the Cornhole Tournament and toss some bags for a good cause.

golfRaffles for a bright red golf cart, Samsung 32” HDTV and a Ruger M77 300 Remington Short Action Ultra Mag. are already underway. Tickets are $5 each or 5 for $20.

All proceeds go to S.U.P.P.O.R.T. an organization to aid cancer victims in our community.

Come out and have some fun while you show your support!

No one under 21 will be admitted and no coolers please.

Cucumber Dill Tea Sandwiches

1 loaf of square topped, thin white bread
Unsalted butter, softened at room temperature, optional
1 large or 2 medium cucumbers, peeled, seeded, grated,
   squeezed and patted dry
1 (8 ounce) cream cheese, softened at room temperature
1 tablespoon grated Vidalia onion
1 tablespoon of mayonnaise
Salt and pepper, to taste
1/2 tablespoon of chopped fresh dill, plus more for garnish

Put a very thin layer of butter on each slice of bread. After grating the cucumber, place it into several layers of paper towels and squeeze out the excess liquid; repeat if needed.  Mix the cucumber with all of the remaining ingredients well and spread between two slices of bread. Cut off crusts and cut into fourths.
Sandwiches can also be made ahead and frozen whole. Cut the crusts off and slice into fourths after thawing.

Increase mayonnaise and include the juices of the cucumber to transform this into a dip.

If you are serving a small amount of these for a ladies tea or brunch, a very pretty and classic southern presentation is to cut the bread into rounds. There will be a lot of waste but save those pieces and bag them in the freezer for bread crumbs! Instead of adding the cucumber to the spread, slice those about 1/4-inch thick, either peeled or unpeeled. If you use a fork to scrape along the rind or a peeler to peel away only sections of the cucumber it makes a very pretty edge. Mix up the cream cheese mixture and pipe a dab onto the bread, place a cucumber round on top, and pipe another dab of the cream cheese mixture on top. Garnish with tiny sprigs of dill. Gorgeous!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


hydrangeaHydrangeas are decidious shrubs or vines with large leaves and showy flowers. The flowers are arranged in large clusters for a dramatic show.

Hydrangeas bloom in midsummer to fall, depending on the species. Flower colors include blue, pink, red, and white. The most common type, bigleaf hydrangea (H. macrophylla), generally grows 3 to 6 feet tall and wide and bears huge, ball-shaped or flat-topped (lacecap) clusters of flowers. Flower color is influenced by soil pH: acidic soils yield plants with blue flowers, while alkaline soils lead to pink flowers. Bigleaf hydrangeas produce flowers on the previous year's growth. Climbing hydrangea (H. anomala) is a clinging vine that grows well on stone walls, arbors, brick walls, and even other trees. It can reach 50 feet tall and becomes heavy and woody with age, so it needs sturdy support.

Select a site with full sun to light shade and moist, well-drained soil. In regions with hot summers, choose a spot with afternoon shade. Plant in spring or fall. Space plants 3 to 10 feet apart, depending on the expected mature size of the plant. Dig a hole only as deep as the root ball and 2 to 3 times as wide. If your soil is in very poor condition, amend the soil you've removed from the hole with a small amount of compost. Otherwise don't amend it at all. Carefully remove the plant from the container and set it in the hole. Fill the hole half full with soil, then water it well to settle the soil and eliminate air pockets. Let the water drain, then fill the remainder of hole with soil and water thoroughly.

Apply a layer of compost under the tree each spring, spreading it out to the dripline (the area under the outermost branches). Add a 2- to 4-inch layer of mulch to retain moisture and control weeds, keeping mulch a few inches away from the tree trunk. Hydrangeas like consistently moist soil, so water plants during the summer if rainfall is less than 1 inch per week.

Monday, August 8, 2011

2011 Perseid Meteor Shower

The legendary Perseid meteor shower – the northern hemisphere’s best summertime meteor shower – is expected to peak between midnight and dawn on Saturday, August 13. That night, however, the full moon will be shining brightly in the sky from dusk until dawn, obliterating all but the brightest Perseid meteors. Here’s how to minimize the moon and optimize the 2011 Perseid meteors.

1) Start watching for Perseid meteors now, and continue watching until after the shower’s peak on August 13. The Perseids actually begin in mid-July, and they gradually build to a peak.

2) Watch in the early hours before dawn on August 9 and 10. On the peak night of August 12/13, there won’t be any moon-free time for viewing. However, on August 9 and 10, the moon will set a few to several hours before sunrise, providing an hour or two of dark sky for watching the Perseid meteors. Meteors fly at a lower rate several days before the peak date, perhaps at 15 to 20 Perseids per hour, but a dark sky makes all the difference in the world for watching summertime’s classic shower.

3) Sprawl out in a moon shadow. The best viewing on any date is from about 2 am until dawn. As seen from mid-northern latitudes, the moon will be shining low in the south to southwest sky on the peak nights. That means the moon will be casting long shadows. Find a moon shadow somewhere that still provides a wide expanse of sky. Ensconced within a moon shadow and far from the glow of city lights, the night all of a sudden darkens while the meteors brighten.

Best view of Perseid meteors could be before dawn August 10. If blessed with clear skies on or near the predicted peak date, a moon shadow may be your ticket to this year’s production. This annual meteor shower is beloved by many for its rich and reliable display of meteors.

If you’re serious about trying to see a large number of Perseids, you should avoid city lights. A wide open area – a field or a lonely country road – can work well. If you’re watching between midnight and dawn, the meteors will appear in all parts of the sky.

The Perseids are an especially rich and dependable meteor shower. In the northern hemisphere, they are often the best meteor shower of the year. They shoot across the sky – often leaving persistent trains – and occasionally lighting up the sky with bright fireballs. The shower typically produces 50 or more meteors per hour on the mornings of their peak.

The Perseid meteors are named for the constellation Perseus the Hero. If you trace the paths of the meteors backwards, they seem to radiate from this constellation.

Meteors are also called shooting stars, but they have nothing to do with actual stars. They start out as bits of dust left behind in space by a comet. The Perseid meteor shower peaks annually at this time of year, as our planet Earth passes through the orbital path of Comet Swift-Tuttle. For several weeks from late July to mid-August, debris left behind by this comet slams into Earth’s atmosphere. The fragments vaporize as they fall through our atmosphere, and the result is the Perseid meteor shower.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Pet Shop

puppy 1Today we would like to introduce you to a bright eyed beauty available for adoption right now at the Upson Animal Shelter. He is gorgeous, well behaved, like he stepped right out of dog school. Walks perfectly on a leash and has the best attention. He is calm and perfect for anyone!

We are not sure of his breed, but he has a blue tinted tongue and beautiful coloring in his coat. He's young and healthy.

Adopting a pet is simple. Have a picture ID, be at Least 18 years old, choose a pet, answer a series of questions and sign the spay/neuter contract. All animals adopted by outside residents of Upson County will be neutered or spayed by a veterinarian in Upson County before they leave.

puppy 3puppy 2

Upson County Animal Shelter
2371 Yatesville Hwy
Thomaston, GA 30286
Phone: 706-646-4526

There are many to choose from, large or small, let’s save them all!

Senior Center Activities

Thomaston-Upson Senior Center is open Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am until 5:00 pm. The center has an exercise room, billiards and free lending library. Most club activities begin at 10 am.

Reflection’s Day Program is an Alzheimer’s daycare available from 7:00 am until 4:00 pm weekdays.

Lunch is available at 11:30 am for $1.25, the menu varies daily.

This weeks fun includes Bingo on Monday and Friday, Exercise on Tuesday and Thursday and Bible study on Wednesday. Not to forget Quilting at 1pm on Monday and Bridge Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Fit & Fun classes are 8:15 am-advanced, 9:15 am-intermediate and 10:15 am-beginners.
Breathe & Stretch is Wednesdays at 10 am.
Women’s Pilates are Mondays and Wednesdays at 4 pm.

ActivitiesSign-1Thomaston-Upson Senior Center
302 South Bethel Street
Thomaston, GA

Back to School…Lunches & Snacks

Tasty and nutritious school lunches can be one of parents' biggest challenges. To please the kids and meet the basic dietary guidelines, make them part of the planning and shopping. Within reason, try to accommodate their lunch requests, keeping nutrition guidelines in mind.

A nutritious lunch doesn't have to revolve around a traditional sandwich; consider different pita breads or tortilla wrappings filled with a favorite sandwich meat or salad, meat and cheese squares, or a macaroni salad. Salsa and chips, assorted pickles, or veggie sticks and slices with dip make a lunch box bonus sure to please most kids. Fun foods like ants on a log or jiggly gelatin desserts are good choices.

225226Ants On A Log: A very simple snack idea! Fill the center of the celery stick with peanut butter. Place a few raisins on top to be your ants. If you do not like raisins, try tiny chocolate chips.

confetti snacksConfetti Snack Mix:
4 cups Golden Grahams
1 cup dry roasted peanuts
1 cup dried banana chips
1 cup raisins
1 cup milk chocolate M&M's

In a large bowl, combine all ingredients. Store in an airtight container. Yield: 7 cups.

Fruitn_Cheese_Snack_MixFruit 'n Cheese Snack Mix :
1 oz.KRAFT Cheddar Cheese, cut into bite-size pieces
1/4 cup whole strawberries or blueberries, stemmed, quartered
1/4 cup seedless red or green grapes, halved

Place cheese in 1 side of resealable sandwich-size plastic bag; loosely tie pie cleaner or twist tie around middle of bag. Place fruit in other end of bag; seal bag, then twist pipe cleaner tightly to separate cheese from fruit.
Curl ends of pipe cleaner to resemble antennae of a butterfly.
Refrigerate until ready to serve. Untwist pipe cleaner, leaving bag sealed. Gently shake bag to mix fruit and cheese. Open bag and enjoy!